Almost the End

As some of you may have noticed, my main event on the 22nd has passed us by.  About 40 people came out to volunteer, which was wonderful.  We got about 100 care packages finalized at the event itself, which was a far cry from the 500 I had wanted to do.  However, it turned out that enough of the in-between steps were finished on most things that my family and a few friends were able to bring the number up to 520 completed care packages as of today.  Amazingly, we have materials left over, so we’re going to keep making them.

Today we dropped off a load of close to 250 of the care packages to Virtua Hospital.  The nurses there were so excited to have them.  It was a great feeling; I could tell that my project has already touched people.  Though it’s been a lot of work, I’m glad that I never gave up on it.

Still yet I have to put together a finical audit, distribute certificates of thanks to the donating companies, and write up my Gold Award final paperwork.  Everyone cross your fingers that it gets approved!

Update to RSVP Page

I have changed the RSVPing process to be a little more user friendly.  If you want to contribute on the 22nd please select what you want to do from the list and click Vote.  The options are Yes, Yes but only for the info seminar, Yes but only for the craft portion, No but I will donate some baked goods for the volunteers and Other, which you can write in.

Today was the…

Today was the Prep Event and I’m very excited by how well it went.  We only had about 20 people come out but we were still able to complete 300 pillows and 70 bags.  200 more pillows and 100 more bags have been cut in preparation for sewing.  We cut some ribbon to attach to some small cards, which we also made today, that will be safety pinned to the drainage bags once finished.  I anticipate to complete everything at the Craft Event on September 22nd.

Thank you to Skylers, Victoria’s Bagels, Mt. Laurel MUA, Dunkin’ Donuts and BJ’s for food and beverage donations today.

For all you followers, make sure to check out the new Photo Gallery page!  Pictures of the car wash are already up.  Pictures of today’s Prep Event are coming soon.

Anyone who’s been…

Anyone who’s been following this is probably very confused as to why I haven’t updated in a long time.  Particularly since it’s September 1st and the fundraiser was way back on August 18th.  To be honest, I don’t have a good answer as to why.  Life gets busy- I was in Boston visiting colleges and relatives and before that I was working on other aspects of the project.  Still, I know I should have been keeping up with this.

Another thing that’s been keeping me busy is running all over town trying to get people to donate things.  A recent talk with the nurse practitioner who’s speaking at Craft Day inspired me to have door prizes.  So I’ve been literally running around scrounging up gift cards and various other eclectic things.  We have gift cards and/or coupons from Longhorn, Bakana’s Flowers & Gifts, Primo Hoagies, Pietro’s, Marcello’s, Chipolte, Cost Cutters, Panchero’s and Gaetano’s.  You may also win a Gaetano’s ‘Got Steak?’ t-shirt, a Barnes & Noble book basket, a or a Hallmark breast cancer candle.

Susie Q’s Frozen Yogurt gave us somewhere between 4-500 coupons for the mastectomy care packages.  Joy’s Hallmark in Marlton gave us three different types of cards to put in the care package also.  I’m still looking for more things to put in them, but I’m quite happily surprised to find people so giving.  I expected to have to pay out of pocket for things to put in the care packages, if only because of the expected quantity.  We’re making about 500 of them.  (In case you’re confused, the care packages are what we’re putting the compression pillows and drainage bags in.  They aren’t a new addition.  I’m simply looking for more things to send with the pillows and bags to help cheer up the patients and make their recovery more comfortable.)

Now to talk about the fundraiser, which I’ve so sorely neglected.  First let me say that it raised over $650!   A shout out to my friend Lizz who gathered  about 10 volunteers for me last minute.  You’re awesome, chicha!  And so are all the other people who came out.  Couldn’t have done it without you!

Today was exciting…

Today was an exciting day.  I went to Lenape to try to figure out how the set up of the rooms will be for the event.  I also organized a fundraiser at the Sunoco Service Station on Church St.: there will be a car wash/bake sale on August 18th from 9 AM – 3 PM, split into three shifts.  Please put it in your calendar to come the come the car wash is free!  Donations are welcome, but not required.

Of course I still need volunteers and participants.  I just opened up the RSVP page to anyone who wants to come to any of the three events.  The Prep event is now in two shifts: one is 10- 12 and the other 12-2.  Space is limited and will fill up, so do it ASAP.

As for the baked sale aspect of the car wash, I need baked goods!  If you’re willing to make a batch of cookies, a brownie tray, or anything else you might like just stick them in a zip lock bag and give me a call at (856) 866-5672 for a drop off location.  Thanks so much for your support!

Alright, I’m back…

Alright, I’m back from college touring and ready to keep going!

Due to some issues with my username, I’ve had to change my email address to

Today I’ve worked on getting more donations and have put some finishing touches on my flyer.  I will be hosting a prep event on Saturday, September 8th where I will need volunteers to trace, cut, and sew fabric.  Pending approval, this will be at Lenape High School from 10 AM to 2 PM.  Food and beverage will be provided.

As always, call me at (856) 866-5672 for more information or to volunteer.  Thanks so much for your support!

Good news!

Good news!  My project advisor had a ton of fabric that she was able to donate.  Unfortunately she had to have the scraps back immediately for quilting at the GS Jamboree, so I wasn’t able to organize help in prepping the fabric.  My mother and I spent the entire day yesterday- a good 12 and a half hours- tracing and cutting out pillows.  Thankfully there were enough scraps that I can hold off on prepping the remaining drainage bag fabric until I find help.

Today I’m going to call back the Mt. Laurel Township MUA who have graciously agreed to provide water and cups for the craft event on September 22nd.  I also have to call back Wegmans to determine the proper process for requesting donations within that company.

As always, if you are interested in volunteering give me a call at (856) 866-5672 or email me at  I am in need of experienced sewers for the craft event and people to help cut fabric in preparation for the event.  Donations of fiber fill and thread are my most pressing necessity at the moment.  And of course, if you are willing to grant the project use of a sewing machine for the day, I would be most appreciative.  Thanks!

The project is …

The project is moving along; it’s been approved by Council.  The date of the event will be Saturday, September 22.  Pending approval it should be at Lenape High School in the South Cafeteria from 10 AM – 2 PM.  I am in need of volunteers to help set up/clean up and I need experienced sewers to work the sewing machines at the event.

I am currently out of town, which makes it difficult to do much.  Before I left I made a ton of phone calls to fabric companies and thus far have yet to find anyone willing to donate material.  I also sent out quite a few letters to food companies for food for the volunteers.  I’ve gotten a few calls about them, but the only thing finalized is a cake from Costco.  Hopefully things will start picking up soon.

Of course I still have my preliminary budget posted.  If you are able to provide anything I will be much appreciative.